Part 3

                               Speaking In Tongues - Power and Gifts

                                               General James Green

IT HAS NEVER been God’s Will that the Church lose the Power and Gifts that He gave it!!! It is foolish to believe this, yet there are millions who have been taught and who believe that the power and gifts passed away with the passing of the first century Church.

One minister who has spent over 65 years in the Pentecostal denomination stated that “The proponents of this philosophy (tongues is past, plus the other gifts) strain the principles of hermeneutics to the breaking point. They cannot prove their thesis. Every one of their arguments is based on a false assumption and can easily be disproved from Scripture” (D. L. Barnett D. D., Speaking In Other Tongues, 1986, Community Chapel Pubs, Seattle, WA, pg. 163). I consider Dr. Barnett an authority on this subject. There are some very good scholarly books available on this vital subject, some of which I will draw from.

We might ask reasonable questions like this: “Why would God give the early Church all nine gifts, then revoke them for the rest of Christendom?” and “Why would He bestow them so fully in the beginning of the ‘apostolic era’ and withdraw them at the middle and end of the same?” The answer lies in the very Scriptures that the anti-Pentecostal and anti-Charismatic folks believe supports their theory.

Charity never faileth; but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away” (1 Corinthians 13:8-10 KJV).

Sure enough, these Scriptures say that “prophecies...shall fail;...tongues...shall cease; ...knowledge...shall vanish away.” But why are they still within the Church today? Because, my dear readers, “that which is perfect” has not arrived. Also, the Bible does not say these 3 will cease; it says “that which is IN PART shall be done away.”

Not only this, the Scriptures specify 2 things that are in part: knowledge and prophecy. It does not say that “tongues are in part.” Three things shall cease, but Paul mentioned only 2 of the three as being in part. In a strict doctrinal debate, the anti-Pentecostals are defeated.

Some anti-Pentecostals realize the above problem and have adopted an after note [far-fetched and unBiblical] theory that has tongues fading away in the 2nd century, and prophecy and knowledge ceasing at Jesus’ second coming.



IN SECTION 2 of part two here, we’ll give more proof that TONGUES HAVE NOT CEASED!!! Many non-believers on this issue have been made fools of when God filled them with the Holy Ghost—with evidence of speaking in tongues.

Did not Jesus teach His disciples, and us, that the sign of “tongues” will “follow believers” as long as the Gospel is preached? He did. Mark 16:17-18 tells us so. Some claim that these passages are not in the original Greek, but we explain WHY the last 12 verses of Mark are missing in other studies. Critics claim that these verses are not in the “oldest manuscripts,” which is a false claim. They cannot prove that they were not in the original Greek, for THERE ARE NO ORIGINAL GREEK MANUSCRIPTS TO EXAMINE.

Was Mark 16:9-20 in the two oldest Greek manuscripts [that we have] containing Mark? No! However, all evidence shows that these verses WERE in the [original] Greek manuscripts that these two newer versions were copied from, which critics fail to point out. A mistake? No, just deceit! [This means that SOMEBODY PURPOSELY LEFT THESE ANCIENT TEXTS OUT when they were copying!] Our critics, as Barnett and McGregor point out, are guilty of promulgating a misleading half-truth.

Some that are more honest about Mk. 16:9-20 have their way of dismissing tongues. Most Evangelical Christians apply Matt. 28:18,19 along with Mk. 16:15,16 (if they are in the KJV), but they violate the principles of hermeneutics because their theories and theologies are challenged (Request our complete study on this topic).

What do these Fundamentalist and Evangelical believers do with “and these signs shall follow them that believe”? They cut this verse off in the middle—before the “and,” and claim that the first part is for the LAST days and what follows the “and” is for the FIRST days! Wow, what [eisegetical!] scholarship!

The Interpreter’s Bible,” Vol. 7, page 917, states (ref. Mk. 16:19-20), “Other ancient authorities add after v. 8, the following: ‘But they reported briefly to Peter and those with him all that they had been told. And after this, Jesus Himself sent out by means of them, from east to west, the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation.’”

According to TIB, one of the oldest attempts to supplement and finish Mark is the so-called “longer ending” (vss. 9-20). This, they claim, is not found in the best Manuscripts, and dates probably from the 2nd century; it was compiled out of the date of the other Gospels, and even of Acts, and may have been an originally independent list of resurrection appearances. The author was probably, as Burkitt and Conybeare hold, the 2nd Century presbyter Aristion, or Ariston. It is attributed to him in an Armenian MS [MS=manuscript] written in 989 A.D.

There is also what is called the “shorter ending” found in certain manuscripts (Lψ579k and a few others). It probably arose in Egypt in the 4th century, and is found in some manuscripts after vss. 9-20, in others directly after v. 8 (For the text see RSV). So, neither of these endings is in Mark’s style. Klostermann gives a list (p. 192) of the non-Markan words in the longer ending, and notes the absence of particular Markan idioms in it, such as Mark’s favorite “immediately,” “again,” and so forth. As for the shorter ending, my reader can tell for himself that it’s non-Markan.

Besides these two endings mentioned here, there is found a long interpolation after v. 14 of the “longer ending” found in 2 forms (see the texts in Nestle, Novum Testamentum Graece, pp. 136-137): a Latin Version which Jerome found in certain Greek manuscripts; and a Gk Version, now found in the Washington manuscripts (4th or 5th cent.), giving an improved text.

The verses in the Gospels and Acts upon which vss. 9-20 are based, can be checked by anyone with the use of marginal references (see especially those in Nestle, Novum Testamentum Graece).

Thus, the Gospel of Mark closes without an account of the resurrection (see v. 19, KJV), or of any appearance of the risen Jesus (v. 9, 12, 14, KJV), but it everywhere presupposes the Resurrection of Jesus—as does the whole N.T. It is a Gospel of varying merits, compared with the other three, and it records quite a diversified body of traditions upon several different levels.

Many today still ask: “Was the final page of Mark’s Gospel lost?” and, “Was there an ending other than the two we’ve mentioned, to make up the lack, the longer of which is printed at the end of Mark as vss. 9-20?” Critics of tongues state that was not written by Mark. Are we to accept such a conclusion? NEVER! Tongues are still in operation as I write this. I have them!

The anti-tongues people state that tongues were only for the apostles. However, the Word states that “these signs shall follow”...follow who? The apostles only? No! But, they will follow all baptized believers from all nations—them that believe.


TAKEN FROM page 106 out of “Full Life Study Bible,” NIV version, we read:

Mk 16:17-18: "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

Scripture clearly teaches that Christ wants his followers to perform miraculous deeds as they announce the gospel of the kingdom of God (see Mt 10:1; Mk 3:14-15; Lk 9:2, note; 10:17: Jn 14:12, note).

(1) These signs (Gk semeion), done by true disciples, confirm that the gospel message is genuine, that God's kingdom has come to earth in power (see article on THE KINGDOM OF GOD, p. 28), and that the living and risen Jesus is present with his people and working through them (see Jn 10:25; Ac 10:38).

(2) Every one of these signs (except for drinking poison) occurred in the recorded history of the early church: (a) speaking in new tongues (see Ac 2:4; 10:46; 19:6; I Co 12:30; 14; see article on SPEAKING IN TONGUES, p. 232 [later on]); (b) driving out demons (Ac 5:15-16; 16:15 19:11-12); (c) escaping death from snake bites (Ac 28:3-5); and (d) healing the sick (Ac 3:1-7; 8:7; 9:33-34; 14:8-10; 28:7-8).

(3) These spiritual manifestations are intended to continue within Christ's churches until Jesus returns. Scripture never suggests that these signs were restricted to the period immediately following Jesus' ascension (see I Co 1:7, note; 12:28; Gal 3:5).

(4) Christ's followers were not only to preach the gospel of the kingdom and bring salvation to those who believe (Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-16; Lk 24:47), but they were also to bring in that kingdom, just as Jesus did (Ac 10:38), by driving out demons and healing the sick (see article on THE KINGDOM OF GOD, p. 28 [later on]).

(5) Jesus indicates in Mk 16:15-20 that these signs are not special gifts for a few, but were to be given to all believers who, in obedience to Christ, witness to the gospel and claim his promises.

(6) The failure of these "signs" to occur in the church today is not Christ's failure to keep his promises. Failure, Jesus states, lies within the hearts of his followers (see Mt 17:17, note).

(7) Christ has promised that his authority, power, and presence will accompany us as we battle Satan's kingdom (Mt 28:18-20; Lk 24:47-49). We must liberate people from their captivity by preaching the gospel, by living righteous lives (Mt 6:33; Ro 6:13; 14:17), and by performing signs and miracles through the power of the Spirit (see Mt 10:1, note; Mk 16:16-20; Ac 4:31-33...”


DR. ADAM CLARK’S Commentary of the N.T.,Vol. 1, states about 9-20 (especially 17, 18) that “This is added here by many Manuscripts and Versions; but is supposed not to have made a part of the text originally. Griesbach, Bengel, and others, leave it out.”

[And a later version of Clark’s Commentary states about verse 9: “This, to the conclusion of the Gospel, is wanting in the famous Codex Vaticanus, (standard Catholic!) and has anciently been wanting in many others. See Wetstein and Griesbach...”]

Dr. A. J. Gordon, Baptist minister of the 1800's, made this comment about the promise of supernatural signs in Mk. 16:

And let us not unbraid this two-fold cord of promise, holding fast to the first strand because we know how to use it, and flinging the other back to the apostles because we know not how to use it....

Whatever practical difficulties we may have in regard to the fulfillment of this word, these ought not to lead us to limit it where the Lord has not limited it. For if reason or tradition throw one half of this illustrious promise into eclipse, the danger is that the other half may become involved. Indeed we shall not soon forget the cogency with which we heard a skillful skeptic use this text against the one who held the common opinion concerning it. Urged to "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ," that he might be saved, he answered: "How can I be sure that this part of the promise will be kept with me, when, as you admit, the other part is not kept with the church of today?" (“The Ministry of Healing,” pp. 23, 24).

Rudolf Stier comments on Mark's account of the Great Commission and the corresponding promise of signs following believers:

Both the one and the other apply to ourselves down to the present day, and indeed for all future time....Everyone applies the first part of the saying to ourselves; teaching everywhere that faith and baptism are necessary in all ages to salvation, and that unbelief in all ages excludes from it. But what right has anyone to separate the words which Jesus immediately added, from His former words? Where is it said that these former words have reference to all men and all Christians, but that the promised signs, which should follow those who believe, referred only to the Christians of the first age? What God hath joined together let no man put asunder!” (“Words of the Lord Jesus,” vol. 8, pp. 371,372).

And finally, Dr. James M. Gray, in his “Christian Worker's Commentary,” comments on Mark 16:

As a matter of fact, however, such signs do still follow the teaching of the gospel on foreign mission fields, and doubtless will be practically universal again as the end of the age draws near and the coming of the King” (Quoted by Elmer C. Miller, “Pentecost Examined by a Baptist Lawyer,” p. 86).

There are many non-Pentecostals that DO BELIEVE in these supernatural gifts and miraculous signs promised in Mark 16. Henry Alford of the 1800's, a non-Pentecostal states:

This promise is generally made, without limitation to the first ages of the Church. Should occasion arise for its fulfillment, there can be no doubt that it will be made good in our own or any other time....There are credible testimonies of miraculous powers having been exercised in the Church considerably after the Apostles' time” (“The Greek Testament,” vol. 1, pp. 436,437).

Why don’t so many other Christians see things like we’re discussing here? Answer: THEY DO NOT BELIEVE! I have two very good old time missionary books, written at the same time noted (1800's-early1900's), one is a faithful denominational lady who worked in Africa as a medical missionary for 45 years. She states in her book that she NEVER witnessed one miracle in her line of work (like miraculous healings.) The other book was written by a man who BELIEVED in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of tongues. He worked in Africa near this lady doctor, but his book records dozens of miracles and witnessed thousands of natives get saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. My book library is full of such books—some, anti-miracle; many others, miracle believers.

The noted Bible scholar J. A. Bengal wrote, “The reason why many miracles are not now wrought is not so much because faith is established, as that unbelief reigns.” (quoted by A. J. Gordon in his book, “The Ministry of Healing,” page 24).

No dear readers, tongues, prophecy, healings, etc. have not become obsolete. I have seen plenty of miracles. Just in the last 10 years, I have seen my wife totally healed, supernaturally, of cancer. No doctors, no hospital! None! JUST THE POWER OF GOD!


1 COR. 13:8

According to W. E. Vine’s, “First Corinthians,” p. 183, “Fail” and “Vanish away” :

...prophecies, they shall fail...knowledge, it shall vanish away,”

"Fail" and "vanish away" are two different translations of the same verb, καταργέω (katargeo, [Strong’s #G2673]), "to reduce to inactivity," from kata (down) and argos (idle).”

"The Authorized Version [KJV] is weak in verse 8, being guilty of rendering two different Greek words by the same English word ‘fail’, as well as one Greek word occurring twice by two different English words, ‘fail’ and ‘vanish away’. Fortunately, the sense [of the meaning] is not greatly affected by the variations. The point of verse 8 is that there will come a time when the gifts mentioned will be done away with, or cease" (“Wycliffe Bible Commentary”).


"OR, 'BE DONE AWAY'...Even inspired men 'know' and 'speak' only in part, with the conceptions and utterance of 'a babe.' Truth is presented to them 'in dark hints', not with open 'face,' but in the dimmed reflection of 'a mirror' (v. 12). This 'shall be done away,' [and] superseded by perfect knowledge in heaven" (C.H. Irwin).


MAYBE FOR ALL you “Bible-only” folks, this seems reasonable, but with all this Satanic activity in the world, it is UNREASONABLE AND UNBIBLICAL. No Spirit Power to resist the Satanic? Sure we need the Written Word. Jesus quoted it often, but He also demonstrated the Spirit’s Power over the demonic. Get serious!

Isa. 59:19 tells us that “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” The N. T. fulfills that prophecy—supernatural manifestations of the Power of God! The Holy Word and Holy Spirit working together. It is truly sad to see such unbelief and lack of power among so many “believers” today. The “Word Only” crowd are pitifully unprepared for spiritual warfare. They have never cast out a devil, spoke in tongues, gave forth a prophecy, used healing, etc. Dear God, exorcism is needed today, starting WITH THE MODERN CHURCHthe “saints” are full of devils! Is the Spirit going to stop working against the floods of Satan, let’s say if it were true, when the Bible was complete? How stupid!

False prophets and teachers (and the church is full of them NOW!) will arise (Matt. 24:24), but no true Holy Ghost appointed and anointed prophets and teachers to confront them? How stupid!

Hospitals are full of sick and dying folks, at least half are “Christian!” Are we denying 1 Peter 2:24... “by Whose stripes we were healed”? And what about the Blood of Jesus: is it just for conversion when the Word is preached and acted upon, or can it still heal our bodies as well? And what about Isa. 53:4, “Surely He (Jesus) hath born our sickness and carried our pains.” Our bodies as well as our sick souls need healing TODAY! Are we to believe that all this ended when the “perfect” (Bible) had come—leaving centuries of suffering and demonic torments to harass God’s Church? How stupid!


HAVING TRAVELED for many years I’ve seen darkness and demonic oppression first hand. Sure, abiding in relatively moral (but this has changed!) America, comfortable, satisfied, full, healthy, etc. non-Pentecostal people see no need for the gifts. Plenty of hospitals, doctors, pills, churches, food, clothing, fellowship, few diseases compared to the 3rd world—one travels in the tribal regions of Africa, Asia, etc. and demons still have not ceased to work!—millions are vexed, hexed, tormented, and killed. Do you really think the Lord would leave His people without weapons, power, and authority? I’ll tell you the truth, Pentecostal (Spirit-filled) churches are growing faster than non-Pentecostal. Why? The need for power against demon-infestation is urgent. May I also say that good ole’ AMERICA IS GOING TO CRY OUT FOR DELIVERANCE SOME DAY, not just the gifts to play with—as do these silly Charismatics in this hour.

To be honest, the Protestant Church is as bad as the Roman Catholic Church these days—by allowing their members to take communion at the Lord’s table, then consult with witch-doctors and occultists...I’m speaking about these non-Pentecostal churches. If a believer cannot get prayed for and healed (because the gifts have passed away), and the believer is poor who cannot afford a trip to the hospital, going to a witch-doctor is only reasonable. This is discouraging to church leaders, but the leadership has no power over sicknesses, diseases, and demonic infestation.

We’ve worked in Africa now for years. We lost a good African there by way of sickness. Why? We prayed and prayed, yet the sickness prevailed. God only knows why He takes some, and heals others—time and space limits the telling of miracles (and some failures too!) that we’ve seen over the years. The truth is: we need all the power we can get in these last days.

Friends, the Bible is a wonder book, but offers no more than Christian promises (usually many), theology, and assurance for the common non-Pentecostal. What is even worse is the false doctrine taught (like our subject at hand) that covers the unbelieving believers in disinformation of the accurate teaching of Scripture. Naturally, demons rule the land, and the sick and weak believers compromise with the devils in order to work in certain locations. The Gospel in this generation is so weak and watered down that souls join churches, but fail miserably in giving up their sins.

We don’t need any more doctorates in sociology, psychology, or in Churchianity; we need soldiers for Christ—who know how to fight and WIN! In one sense, Bible education is no match for the demons of HELL, but the power of God will prove to be deadly to their ranks. An intellectual, effeminate Christianity is no match for the deceptions and attacks of demons.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord, is for every generation to exercise the power of God. Healing, prophecy, other tongues, Word of Wisdom, knowledge, faith, miracles, (casting out devils could be called miracles), discerning of spirits, interpretation of tongues...all these characterize the Gospel—“GO AND SHOW!”

Acts 1:1 says that the Gospels are a record of all that “Jesus began both to DO and to TEACH.” Are we, His disciples, only to teach and preach His Word, and not exercise in the supernatural gifts of God? The non-Pentecostal folks don’t mind using knowledge (which was supposed to have ceased!), wisdom, and faith, all of which is given by the Spirit—the same Spirit that they claim “doesn’t work any more...He is/has retired from service after the Bible was put together.” Oh, the sheer ignorance!

If Jesus began to do and to teach, it stands to reason that His people, His body who are individual followers, are to CONTINUE what He began to DO and TEACH!!!

Why be like Him ethically (this is doubtful anyway) you non-Pentecostals, and not like Him dynamically? Are we to seek the fruit of the Spirit, but deny His gifts? How stupid. It is His gifts that help bring forth fruit.

Timothy had it right when He stated that, “ the last days men (and women) shall be lovers of their own selves.” I might add, “lovers of their own works, denominational sweat, power, and prestige.”

Read what follows, my dear Christians, verses 2-4: “...covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God...” This list (2 Tim. 2:1-4) is speaking of CHURCH FOLKS [TODAY!]. Sure we find these things in the world, for they are of the world (Satan’s works). Verse 5 tells us this: “Having a form of godliness, but DENYING the power thereof...” Isn’t this what you non-Pentecostals do? Such people tolerate immorality, even blasphemy, in their churches. You people who say “tongues are demon inspired” and “healings are performed by the power of Satan,” BLASPHEMY!

Verse 13 tells us that “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Is not this the truth of the modern anti-Spirit church? Thank God brother Timothy tells us in v. 14 to “...continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of...” Just what did the early church learn? The Bible only? There was no N. T. Bible! Or, was it about the working of the Holy Spirit of God? If we’re talking about the O. T. (which vv. 15, 16 are), Jesus did His ministry under the O. T. dispensation, not the New. SO, THE WORD AND THE SPIRIT ARE TO CONTINUE, NOT CEASE.

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